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Benefits of nursing in Australia

PAY RATES - Let’s not fool around, pay rates. We are all driven by compassion which is why we do it but let’s face it… we want to enjoy life too. The average rate for nurses in Australia is approximately $65,000 AUD a year (£35,000), whereas your average salary for UK nurses is about £23,000 per year. If you add on your unsociable hours, whether you work privately, whether you are specialised (A&E/ ICU), working in remote areas or working through an agency, this can greatly increase!

TRAVEL - I worked with the Healthcare Australia nursing agency with offices across Australia. So whether you want to work in Melbourne, Sydney, Darwin or Perth…or all of them, you can! All with minimal transfer worries, just a bit of little bit of paperwork. See their website here:

Within my year in Australia I had a range of nursing experiences, from working with critically ill trauma patients in Sydney to treating nasty snake bites up in Darwin.

NO EXAMS - The UK and Australian healthcare system are noted to be very similar, so nurses' training, hospital protocols and overall nursing care is extremely transferable. Therefore, you don't need to pass any exams or have any additional skills assessment before you can nurse there as part of your Working Holiday Visa. You will have to qualify to be registered as a nurse through the Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Board (AHPRA) but then you are free to work! * See previous blog on AHPRA registration for more *

REMOTE/RURAL NURSING -Australia hosts many opportunities for nurses to work in remote areas. You may find yourself working hours away from the nearest major healthcare facility, in tough working conditions with minimal supplies. However, this is a fantastic opportunity to experience nursing care 'off the beaten track' and help rural communities. Rural placements often offer a variety of incentives for us nurses these may include: free accommodation/travel, training bonus' and a hefty pay packet!

ADVENTURE - Whether it's skydiving over paradise in Queensland, diving the Great Barrier Reef or feeding the 5m saltwater crocodiles in Darwin, there is something for everyone. I can guarantee that wherever you go in Australia you will meet a variety people from all over the world and have an experience of a lifetime. Nursing gives us the opportunity to travel this diverse country whilst still doing what we love!

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