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Tips for NMC Revalidation for nurses/midwives

Revalidation can seem a nightmare for nurses but don't is my quick and easy guide to get you started! Revalidation is a process in which all NMC registered nurses/midwives must complete in order to renew their registration, every three years! All information can be found on the NMC revalidation website:

Step 1: Practice hours

This is the easy bit! You need to log down your employment to cover 450 hours of practice in the last three years. Make sure you include the dates of employment, your role and a brief description of your duties. Evidence for your portfolio can include; an employment contract, agency time sheets or a letter from your employer confirming your hours.

Step 2: Continuing Professional Development

This is the section where you highlight what CPD activities you have participated in, in order to further your professional practice. You need a total of 35 hours, 20 must be participatory! Activities can include; courses you have attended, independent learning, conferences, meetings, online courses etc. Try to collect evidence such as certificates, meeting minutes and attendance evidence to put in your portfolio.

Step 3: Feedback

Within this section you need to provide 5 pieces of feedback about your practice, this can be individual or group based. Feedback could include: appraisals, thank you letters from patients, verbal feedback, team nursing awards etc. Try to collect as much evidence e.g. thank you cards, award certificates to put in your portfolio. You will need to describe the feedback and how it has influenced your practice. (Make sure you don't identify anyone in your feedback!).

Step 4: Reflective Accounts

You will need to provide five reflective accounts of a) a CPD activity b) feedback c) an event experience. You will need to describe these, what you learnt, how this changed your practice and how it relates to the NMC Code.

Step 5: Reflective Discussion

You will need to discuss your reflective accounts with another NMC qualified nurse/midwife. They will need to fill in the reflective discussion form with their details and be prepared to discuss this with the NMC if necessary for verification.

Step 6: Confirmation

You will need an individual to read your revalidation document and confirm you have met all the criteria to revalidate. This doesn’t necessarily have to be an NMC registered professional, but I would advise finding a manager who is aware of the NMC revalidation process and who has been a ‘confirmer' before. You will submit their details when you revalidate to be contacted by the NMC for verification.

You are now ready to submit your revalidation application!

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