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Nursing in Australia: Agency vs full time

About to start your year working in Australia as part of your Working Holiday Visa (WHV)? It can be tricky to decide whether you want to work with an agency or to get a full time job. Here are a few tips to help you decide what is best for you!


*Flexibility: short shifts/long shifts/nights/weekend, the choice is yours!

*Travel: many agencies have offices in different parts of Australia, so you don't have to keep reapplying for jobs when you decide you want to travel.

*Higher pay: you get an increased pay rate working in hospitals through an agency. However full time pay may vary depending on whether you work public or privately.

*Holiday shifts shortage: Beware - A lot of hospitals will close over the holidays and shifts can become scarce for agency nurses, especially over the Christmas/NY/Easter periods!

Darling Harbour, Sydney


*Meet new people: Especially if you are new to Australia, getting involved in a new team can be a great way to meet people and make friends

*Opportunities for Sponsorship: When you work full time during your WHV, this can give you the chance to show your employer that you are worthy enough to offer sponsorship, this visa can extend your stay for up to four years. (It is also possible to obtain sponsorship through agencies).

*Guaranteed work and no holiday shifts shortage

*6 month cap: Beware - A criterion of the WHV is that you can only work with one employer for up to 6 months. Therefore you can't work in the same hospital for the whole year!

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