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Nurse outside the box...

Are wards and conventional hospital settings not for you? Want to travel the world, be part of the air ambulance or cruise along the Mediterranean? Have a look at these unique and unconventional nursing jobs!

1) Work abroad! Many countries offer Working Holiday Visas such as Australia, New Zealand or Canada. You can even get yourself a free flight!

2) Get a free ticket to Glastonbury and become a festival nurse.

3) Volunteer with Medecins Sans Frontieres and work in developing countries and places affected by natural disasters.

4) Interested in law? Study to become a legal nurse consultant.

5) Advise and educate actors with medical script nursing.

6) Travel the world and nurse on a cruise ship.

7) Fly over for summer in the U.S to be a camp nurse.

8) Investigate a crime scene with forensic nursing.

9) Join the armed forces and become a military nurse.

10) Interested in administering botox and fillers? Train to be a cosmetic nurse.

11) Assist in the repatriation of critically ill patients with flight nursing or become part of the air ambulance.

12) Become a nurse midwife.

13) Continue studying for a masters or a PhD.

14) Interested in sales, become a pharmaceutical sales representative.

15) Experience different cultures in the Australian Outback.

16) Interested in teaching? Get involved in sexual health, clinical skills training or become a lecturer.

17) Fancy a 9-5 office based job? Work in medical insurance and assist in investigating patient claims.

18) Sail along the Mediterranean a become a yacht nurse.

19) Bit of a tech-head? Explore new digital technology with nursing informatics.

20) Support the LGBT community with transgender nursing.


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